APA related research in Finland

APA related research in Finland

The majority of the research about APA has been done at the University of Jyväskylä, but some research projects have also been conducted at other universities, by sport medicine organizations, universities of applied sciences and research institutes. The most common research topic in the field of Adapted Physical Activity has been physical activity of the elderly. APA research projects have typically been supported by The Ministry of Education and Culture and the Finnish Academy.

Development Work and Projects in APA

Adapted Physical Activity has been developed both with separate projects as well as a part of larger projects. Developmental work has not only been done on a national scale, but also through projects targeting smaller local level actors and different associations. The goals of the various projects have been to develop the opportunities of persons with disabilities and chronic illnesses, to be physically active and to do physical exercise, to promote accessibility of sports facilities and sports culture that is open for all.

Both development projects and research in Finland have been mainly funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health. The European Union and various foundations are also funders of projects and research.

Projects in the field of adapted physical activity have become more common since the 2000s, but all in all projects to develop APA are still marginal.


Picture: Lauri Jaakkola, VAU ry.

Research and development projects by FSSS and other organizations

FSSS informs about recent and ongoing projects, research and dissertations from the field of adapted physical activity. Here you can find projects executed both by FSSS as well as collaborative partners. If you would like to advertise your research or ongoing project, please contact: vilja.sipila(at)lts.fi